Your Polar Experience Level

"What's my expedition level?"

This is a normal and frequent question that our team receives from a wide variety of eager participants in search of the right expedition fit.

For this very reason, along with our world-class Polar Experience guide team, we offer our own in-house training expert, Olivier Bourcet.

Olivier organises both Level 1 and Level 2 training weekends in both French and English with extended time for personalised assessment.

Quite often a participant self-determines to be a relative beginner (Level 1) but is actually skilled and ready for a Level 2 adventure. This is particularly important when choosing to join our unique Level 2 Greenland Arctic Circle Trail Winter Expedition which was featured on the Belgian television program De Expeditie - Groenland.

Our goal is to ensure that each person seamlessly blends into an expedition team within both performance and - most importantly - safety parameters.

Olivier's trainings are also a wonderful opportunity to refresh basic expedition skills for anyone looking to raise the bar.

For our French-language readers, we're also proud to share Olivier's latest publication of his 2023 Greenland West to East Expedition (together with Brecht De Meulenaer).

Sharing inspirational experiences - before, during and after our polar expeditions - is what our Polar Experience team does with pleasure and passionate detail.

It's time to get ready for a new season of adventure. We look forward to sharing it with you.

Are you ready to start your polar experience today?
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